…I see boots. Everywhere. I think If I could chose one thing that I care about the most, it would be shoes – especially boots. I always feel like a need new boots, no matter the season.
Wondering through the depths of internet and danger of online stores, I bring you some that I find intensely appealing>
…všude vidím boty. Samé boty! Myslím, že kdybych si musela vzbrat jednu věc, která mě bere nejvíc, byly by to boty, především ty kotníčkové. Pocit, že si akutně potřebuji koupit nové je omniprezentní.
Maison Martin Margiela ankle boots. They stunning. You want to cuddle with them and try them on and on and on…wait, that is my fantasy. Only downside – someone is in possession of spare 1000 dollars?
Since you are on Shop Bop and you are bit wild, the Muskrat boots from Jeffrey Campbell might accidentally slip in your basket as well…I mean..Oops
Uterque doesn’t usually fail you. /Your wallet has just stopped crying like a baby and it’s only sobbing quietly/
But rest assured, wallet! A very stylish knight in armor Kurt Geiger is coming to save you. Well, sort of.It’s almost sold out.