Hello friends. How was your Easter? I spent it in Prague surrounded by friends, so it couldn’t be any better. (or it could, with little less tourists, cough cough) For …
Category: Thoughts
The weekends are critical. There was a annual market called Ona Dnes where hundreds of people sell out their closets and I chose not to torture myself with going there. …
People do all sorts of detoxes, mostly those connected to their bodies – a way to cleanse, get rid of toxins and boost life energy and health. A recently read …
Have you celebrated International Women’s day? Did your loved one bring you a flower, a chocolate or a small present maybe? We often forget WHY we celebrate what we celebrate, …
Since it’s co-co-cold and greyish outside….I really wanted to share these photos!;) This is another proud child of my parents. They managed to lovingly transform a garden neglected over 8 …
Life really has a funny way of reminding us things. When I think about it, it has a pretty dark sense of humour. Take me for example. Every time I …
Today it’s my 29th birthday and I am officially one step closer to the magical and for many scary number 30. Well, thinking back about it, when I was 15, …
Krásný den:) Už je tomu téměř dva měsíce, co se blog přesunul do hlavního města. A jak se zarytému Brňákovi, který celý život tvrdil, že “Do Prahy teda nééé” žije v …
Often we struggle with being happy without external output – something or someone making us happy. But you can be happy without all of that – just by living and …
“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” Edgar Allan Poe